
The sudden return to Joy.
A Question worth pondering,
A Truth of old back in sight-
but who is hiding it?
Familiar Dilemmas that won't go away.
The sudden remembrance of the shallow Breath-
and then a return to the Illusion, 
to consume it some more.

The insanity of seeing your own insanity
and doing nothing about it.
-Yet, being so willing to save people from their own.

The insanity of knowing the answer,
Refusing to have the courage
And continuing to ask the question
How do i become more?

To liminality and Beyond

I’ve written 2 college papers about liminality, and I’m still not sure what it is. The term is a contradiction, but a beautiful and useful one. For starters let’s think of it like a sunrise. A new beginning. A chance for the unknown to become known. The sacred In-Betweenness where life happens.

Sunrise in Bagan, Myanmar
Myanmar, and Bagan in particular, is a very special place. I didn’t take this picture, but I was here a month ago and fell in love with it.

Liminality means so many different things to so many different people. Throughout time, the meaning has changed. So I suggest doing a google search of the term to get a better understanding. For a writing class I took in college, I chose liminality as my topic. I ended up writing an Inquiry Essay and a Research Paper on it. I also had to make a Canva infographic on liminality to sum up my understanding:

The word liminality implies change. Sometimes profound, sometimes mundane, change is nonetheless beautiful. This blog is an ode to the Vast Unknown that awaits us. These posts are coming from the In-Between space where it all unfolds. This is a story of my journey and an urge for you to write your own.

The Anthropologist at the market

Standing there,
an absurdity!
The man assured himself
or was it the boy?
Smiling deeply from within
yet wearing a fake one-
he knew he was at home
even though he was so far from it.
A part of him apart from the other
wanting to leave,
the other needing to stay.
"Who are you really, wanderer?"
the voice persisted.
He knew this dance
and was ready to embrace her
his paradoxical relationship with discomfort 
had taught him so much 
so much more than his books.
The Anthropologist stepped forward 
into the sunlight
ready to make the strange familiar again.